
Singles looking for romance use Single40sDating. If you’re looking for a new relationship and if you want intimate moments, you can! In your 40s, you start to enjoy life’s pleasures. Everything comes together: family, friends, hobbies, self-acceptance and work. On Single40sDating, a detailed but short personality questionnaire is the start of something exciting. Find out who fits with you. Get matches to your inbox and decide who to message and who to meet up with.

Life goes by fast: there’s hardly any time to find a partner! Work, family, commitments – there’s always something to do. Single40sDating can take care of the search for you. Let them match your preferences with other singles over 40. Get matches straight to your inbox. It’s that simple. No more putting it off. No excuses. Spend your time with family, friends or just relaxing whilst Single40sDating does the hard work for you! 

  • Great for people over 40
  • Perfect for those seeking a genuine relationship
  • The personality questionnaire is fun but accurate