
On Single50Dating over 1 million people have come together, in the midst of their life to find a new partner. Between work, friends, and family, it's not always easy to meet someone new. With the Single50Dating platform, there's now an ideal site for singles in their 50s who want to focus on finding themselves a new mate for life’s adventures.


The Single50Dating platform has lots of advantages for the middle aged dater: An individual and precise personality analysis, educated singles, video calls, and more. 


The personality test is at the core of the dating platform. You receive your own test results, a description of your ideal partner, and matches, all free of charge. There are no obligations, meaning friendships, or love, can develop at your pace.


By your fifties you’ve gained a wealth of life experience; emotionally, in relationships, family, health, and wealth. You might be wondering if you have the energy to date of it’s worth the effort. Don’t worry, Single50Dating has a solution for you: video calls! This way, you can have a date via video chat anytime and see if you want to meet up in person. This allows you to date and save time and travel. 


The platform’s security standards are top priority. They use 128-bit encryption, and your data is not visible to other members unless you want it to be. 


  • Very detailed profiles
  • With personality analysis
  • Wide selection of singles over 50
  • Video calls for getting acquainted